10-55 Engine Replacement: In Progress

by DC Gabe Balsamo in General

An article from our most recent newsletter “Getting to know us Volume 2, Issue 2”

10-55 Engine Replacement: In Progress 

By Donald MacMillan


The North Madison Volunteer Fire Company (NMVFC) is in the process of replacing 10-55, our 24-year-old pumper.

To provide the best fire protection to the residents of North Madison we need two pumpers, each custom built to fulfill its mission.

Our primary pumper, 10-57, is specifically designed and employed to attack fires, while 10-55 serves as a water source pumper. Since North Madison does not have water hydrants, we rely on mutual aid water supply and the water we have in our underground water tanks. We use 10-55 to get the water from the tanks and to serve as the primary piece of apparatus we send to other towns in need of assistance.

Many towns use bonding to purchase apparatus, and although this method is effective the overall cost over the life of the bond issue remains high.
NMVFC purchases a major piece of apparatus every 6-7 years generally costing $400,000 to $1,000,000. An expenditure of this magnitude can have a significant impact on the town budget. To prevent budget fluctuations funds have been put aside every year in a capital account to be available when needed. Since the town put aside the cost of our new truck we were able to save $20,000.

We are often asked about the fate of old apparatus.  In the past we have donated fire trucks to needy rural fire departments.  Our two previous engines found new homes in rural New Hampshire, replacing 40-year-old apparatus.  We are very fortunate to have the resources to provide relatively modern equipment to towns that do not share our fortunes.

The fire department and the town are committed to providing the highest level of fire protection to all residents. Your continued support of the North Madison Volunteer Fire Company is greatly appreciated.


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